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  1. Dohtheme

    Allec Logo

    Y Yes you can
  2. Dohtheme

    [xenForo 2.2] Box

    Hello DohTheme Customers, We've released a new theme called "Box" to xenForo 2.2. you can view it here: https://www.dohtheme.com/community/products/box.65/ Regards
  3. Dohtheme

    xenForo 2.2.6 Upgrade

    Hello, Our xenForo 2 Styles had been updated to xenForo 2.2.6 Regards
  4. Dohtheme

    Removing Post and Thread Counts

    The ideal width and height for node image is 77px
  5. Dohtheme

    Removing Post and Thread Counts

    Yes that's doable, add this code to "Extra.less" template: .node-stats { display: none; } Best Regards
  6. Dohtheme


    Hello I've sent you an email
  7. Dohtheme


    Yes we can send you an invoice to be paid by card
  8. Dohtheme

    Please fix Capital Letters Issue with Doh Theme

    I can guarantee that this will be modified easily through our support staff but we can't help as you didn't buy the theme.
  9. Dohtheme

    Please fix Capital Letters Issue with Doh Theme

    I can't help you as you don't have a license for the theme.
  10. Dohtheme

    Please fix Capital Letters Issue with Doh Theme

    Hello, Can you explain how are using it? As you don’t have a license for the theme.
  11. Dohtheme

    Turbo: FA icons for nodes

    It seems that you don’t have a license for the theme or using pirated version
  12. Dohtheme

    Themes That Aren't Supported Anymore

    When xenForo 2.2.5 gets released, these themes are no longer supported anymore: Mars
  13. Dohtheme

    Nubia questions

    Please open a support ticket so our stuff helps you
  14. Dohtheme

    Nubia questions

    The featured posts are defined individually, you have the ability to add the post information for each post. Best Regards
  15. Dohtheme

    Nubia questions

    Hi @capt99 , Yes the files include both Light and Dark version. Yes there is an option to choose between vertical or horizontal postbit. Best Regards
  16. Dohtheme

    [xenForo 2.2] Peacock

    Hello DohTheme Customers, We've released a new theme called "Peacock" to xenForo 2.2. you can view it here: https://www.dohtheme.com/community/products/peacock.63/ Regards
  17. Dohtheme

    Pote Node Styles

    Hello, This needs code modification, please open a support ticket to give you help.
  18. Dohtheme

    xenForo 2.2.4 Upgrade

    No, it'll stop at 2.2.3, If you interested in it we can update it for you or you can buy the extended license to be your own.
  19. Dohtheme

    xenForo 2.2.4 Upgrade

    Hello, Our xenForo 2 Styles had been updated to xenForo 2.2.4 Regards
  20. Dohtheme

    Themes That Aren't Supported Anymore

    When xenForo 2.2.4 gets released, these themes are no longer supported anymore: Clainc Noval