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Inquiry about style Xenawsome

How are you,,,,
I have an Arabic website that runs on XenForo script.
Does the template mentioned in the link
- Contain all the display methods or does each display need to be purchased separately?
- Is the direction from right to left missing for Arabic?
- Do the images for the sections need to be added or just modified templates?
-Is it possible to control the design width ؟
Staff member

- Contain all the display methods or does each display need to be purchased separately?
It does have all the versions.

- Is the direction from right to left missing for Arabic?
It's compatible with RTL languages If there is something isn't working as expected, our support will be happy to help.

- Do the images for the sections need to be added or just modified templates?
It needs to be uploaded from the admin panel for each forum.

-Is it possible to control the design width
Yes, that's available through the style properties.
