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Create add-ons : User Control Panel xenforo

New Member
Excuse me for disturbing you.

I would like to know if it would be possible to create like the image?
User panel info

Thanks in advance for your reply, here's what I would like to have pretty much:


xenforo 1.4 - 1.5

Can you help me to do as the picture above

ps:I create code and put it in forum_list in style:

<div class="nodeList sectionMain jmain"><li class="node"><div class="categoryStrip"><div class="categoryText"><h3 class="nodeTitle">Hello {$visitor.username}, Welcome to your control panel</h3></div></div><div class="j_bpanel_wrap"><div class="j_bpanel_container"><table class="j_bpanel_table"><tbody><tr><td class="j_cp_avatar"> <a class="username avatar Av{$visitor.user_id}l" href="{xen:link members, $visitor}">
<img src="{xen:helper avatar, $visitor, l, 'true'}" alt="{$user.username}" height="120px" width="120px" itemprop="photo" /><dl class="pairsInline roundMessage">
</a><td class="j_cp_p1"><ul>Your current date and time: <b>{xen:datetime $max_date, 'absolute'}</b> </li><li>Last Activity: <b>{xen:datetime $visitor.last_activity}</b></li><li>Registration date: <b>{xen:date $visitor.register_date}</b></li><li>Your email: <b>{$visitor.email}</a>   </b></li><li>You have <b><font color="red">{xen:number $visitor.conversations_unread}</font></b> New conversations in your inbox</li></li><li>You have <b><font color="red">{xen:number $visitor.alerts_unread}</font></b> New alert in your inbox</li></ul></td><td class="j_cp_p2"><ul><li>Total Posts:<b>{$visitor.message_count} ({xen:number {xen:calc '{$visitor.message_count} / {$boardTotals.messages} * 100'}, 3}...% of all forum posts)</b></li><li>{xen:phrase warning_points}: <b>{xen:number $user.warning_points}</b> </li>I like it: <b>{xen:number $visitor.like_count}</b></a></li><li><b>{xen:phrase trophy_points}:</b> <a href="{xen:link members/trophies, $visitor}" class="concealed OverlayTrigger">{xen:number $visitor.trophy_points}</a><li>Members: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</b>&nbsp;·&nbsp;Discutions: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.discussions}</b>&nbsp;·&nbsp;Total Posts: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.messages}</b> <li>New Member: <b><xen:username user="$boardTotals.latestUser" /><xen:username user="$user" class="NoOverlay" /></b><li>User Group: <b><xen:username user="$visitor" rich="true" /></b><li>{xen:helper userBanner, $visitor, 'wrapped'} <li><font color="red">Start:</font> <b><a href="{xen:link conversations/add, '', 'to={$user.username}'}">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a></b></li></ul><dl></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="secondaryContent"> <center><b>Membres en ligne :</b> <i class="fa fa-users Tooltip" title="Total"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.total} (<i class="fa fa-child Tooltip" title="Membres"></i> :{xen:number $onlineUsers.members}, <i class="fa fa-eye Tooltip" title="Guests"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}, <i class="fa fa-server Tooltip" title="Robots"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.robots})</center></p>

My result with code:

You can help set my code please?

Thank you @Dohtheme
New Member
Excuse me for disturbing you.

I would like to know if it would be possible to create like the image?
User panel info

Thanks in advance for your reply, here's what I would like to have pretty much:


xenforo 1.4 - 1.5

Can you help me to do as the picture above

ps:I create code and put it in forum_list in style:

<div class="nodeList sectionMain jmain"><li class="node"><div class="categoryStrip"><div class="categoryText"><h3 class="nodeTitle">Hello {$visitor.username}, Welcome to your control panel</h3></div></div><div class="j_bpanel_wrap"><div class="j_bpanel_container"><table class="j_bpanel_table"><tbody><tr><td class="j_cp_avatar"> <a class="username avatar Av{$visitor.user_id}l" href="{xen:link members, $visitor}">
<img src="{xen:helper avatar, $visitor, l, 'true'}" alt="{$user.username}" height="120px" width="120px" itemprop="photo" /><dl class="pairsInline roundMessage">
</a><td class="j_cp_p1"><ul>Your current date and time: <b>{xen:datetime $max_date, 'absolute'}</b> </li><li>Last Activity: <b>{xen:datetime $visitor.last_activity}</b></li><li>Registration date: <b>{xen:date $visitor.register_date}</b></li><li>Your email: <b>{$visitor.email}</a>   </b></li><li>You have <b><font color="red">{xen:number $visitor.conversations_unread}</font></b> New conversations in your inbox</li></li><li>You have <b><font color="red">{xen:number $visitor.alerts_unread}</font></b> New alert in your inbox</li></ul></td><td class="j_cp_p2"><ul><li>Total Posts:<b>{$visitor.message_count} ({xen:number {xen:calc '{$visitor.message_count} / {$boardTotals.messages} * 100'}, 3}...% of all forum posts)</b></li><li>{xen:phrase warning_points}: <b>{xen:number $user.warning_points}</b> </li>I like it: <b>{xen:number $visitor.like_count}</b></a></li><li><b>{xen:phrase trophy_points}:</b> <a href="{xen:link members/trophies, $visitor}" class="concealed OverlayTrigger">{xen:number $visitor.trophy_points}</a><li>Members: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</b>&nbsp;·&nbsp;Discutions: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.discussions}</b>&nbsp;·&nbsp;Total Posts: <b>{xen:number $boardTotals.messages}</b> <li>New Member: <b><xen:username user="$boardTotals.latestUser" /><xen:username user="$user" class="NoOverlay" /></b><li>User Group: <b><xen:username user="$visitor" rich="true" /></b><li>{xen:helper userBanner, $visitor, 'wrapped'} <li><font color="red">Start:</font> <b><a href="{xen:link conversations/add, '', 'to={$user.username}'}">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a></b></li></ul><dl></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="secondaryContent"> <center><b>Membres en ligne :</b> <i class="fa fa-users Tooltip" title="Total"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.total} (<i class="fa fa-child Tooltip" title="Membres"></i> :{xen:number $onlineUsers.members}, <i class="fa fa-eye Tooltip" title="Guests"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}, <i class="fa fa-server Tooltip" title="Robots"></i> : {xen:number $onlineUsers.robots})</center></p>

My result with code:


You can help set my code please?

Thank you @Dohtheme

How do you get the space between the purple icon, and have the text as it is, because I have tried this on my site, and it looks all bunched up, can you share some more info on how you got it to look like you have in the above image please, see my screenshot:


I would love to see this implemented into the standard style/template.

Thanks very much for your input!

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