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  1. P

    Solfège fancy questions

    Only customization :)
  2. P

    Solfège fancy questions

    @Dohtheme I have another question regarding the grid style. Is that one also avaliable in dark or only in light? And is it possible to book the custom theme modification you offer additionally after the theme got purchased? Best
  3. P

    Solfège fancy questions

    Thank you for the fast reply, I will soon place my order I think. It depends a bit on my partners, but your products are definitely my favorites!
  4. P

    Solfège fancy questions

    Hi, I consider purchasing the theme. From what I see it has some unedited colors tho. Example: Or Saw some more around the theme. Will these colors get adjusted to the dark theme style? Also, is it possible to change the accent colors from acp - by that I mean the orange and purple...